A Place To Serve

The Church (any church) is God’s Kingdom on earth. Jesus taught us to pray, “Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven…”. Here at the Odon Church of the Nazarene we strive to encourage everyone to find a place of ‘plug-in’, a place to help out, a place to Serve. God gifts everyone uniquely. Some gifts are obvious, some are not – even to those that posses them.

We have created a survey form that attempts to help you find your gifts and by answering a few questions and pointing you to several opportunities to help with and improve the ministry of the church. You may see someone working at a job and think, “I’d like to do that, but someone else beat me to it.” That’s not true – everyone is always looking for helpers and more people to train and come alongside and lend a hand. Even the most faithful Christian takes a vacation or gets sick now and then.

Basically — WE NEED YOU!

Here is a link to the survey form — it only takes a few minutes to fill out and submit. If you don’t have an email address, use this one: odonnazarene@gmail.com.
